The wait is over! Gatsby Days talks are posted below. Gatsby Days are one-day, in-person conferences on the modern website technology stack and the future of the web.
Get caught up on all the latest presentations from Gatsby Days in Mountain View, California such as Kyle Mathews' presentation on the future of the web, Chris Biscardi on Gatsby Themes, product announcements, how to sell Gatsby to your clients, and more. Check out the recordings below and if you'd like to see a Gatsby Days come to your city, cast your vote here.
Gatsby Days Talks
How We Got Here and The Future of Website Development by Kyle Mathews, CEO and Co-founder, Gatsby
Introducing Gatsby Themes with Chris Biscardi, Developer, Gatsby
Announcing Gatsby Preview: The Future is in the Cloud with Andrew Rhyne, Cloud Services Engineer, Gatsby
The Power of Positioning: Selling Gatsby to Your Clients by Linda Watkins, Director of Marketing, Gatsby
The Journey to the Content Mesh with Sam Bhagwat, Co-Founder and Head of Enterprise, Gatsby
How Gatsby Does High-Impact, Low-Effort UX Research (and You Can Too!) by Shannon Soper, UX Specialist and Head of Learning, Gatsby
Move Fast, Don't Break Things: Trends in Modern Web Development with Mediacurrent by Ben Robertson, Frontend Developer, Mediacurrent