
This plugin is one component of unifying a Gatsby site to use trailing slashes. To correctly configure a Gatsby site to use trailing slashes, you need the following three pieces in place:

  1. A web-server that treats trailing-slash paths as directories with an index.html inside and non-trailing-slash paths as named documents (and ideally redirects directory requests without a trailing slash to the trailing slash variant)
  2. This plugin to prepare (at build time) the embedded @reach/router for trailing slash paths
  3. All uses of Gatsby’s <Link> component in your code to intentionally specify a trailing slash.

Once these pieces are in place, everything will be unified: by default, Gatsby generates all static files (except the 404.html) as index.html files contained within aptly-named directories, the web-server will redirect non-trailing-slash requests to those directories to the trailing slash variant (correctly reflecting that the user is viewing a directory index), this plugin will ensure that the embedded @reach/router expects and uses trailing-slash paths once the client-side PWA is hydrated, and further client-side navigations from using <Link> correctly execute navigations using trailing slashes.



npm i gatsby-plugin-force-trailing-slashes
# or
yarn add gatsby-plugin-force-trailing-slashes

Then configure via gatsby-config.js.

  plugins: [


You can optionally provide additional paths to exclude from being changed. By default, /404.html will not be changed to use a trailing slash. This follows Gatsby’s build sequence.

  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-force-trailing-slashes`,
      options: {
        excludedPaths: [`/404.html`, `/my-dedicated-route`],

NOTE:❗️Providing additional paths for excluding from the trailing-slash workflow here does not prevent Gatsby from generating the static HTML contained within named-directories as index.html; you will need to configure that build-time behavior to match when adding an excludedPath to this plugin. Your static HTML web-server pathing should always match.


If you’re using gatsby-plugin-offline make sure place this plugin after the offline one and to modify your offline plugin like so:

    resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-offline',
    options: {
        navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/\/$/],


Requires Gatsby v2