
Create a sitemap for your Gatsby site.

NOTE: This plugin only generates output when run in production mode! To test your sitemap, run: gatsby build && gatsby serve


npm install gatsby-plugin-sitemap

How to Use

// In your gatsby-config.js
siteMetadata: {
  siteUrl: ``,
plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-sitemap`]

Above is the minimal configuration required to have it work. By default, the generated sitemap will include all of your site’s pages, except the ones you exclude.


The defaultOptions here can be overridden.

The options are as follows:

  • query (GraphQL Query) The query for the data you need to generate the sitemap. It’s required to get the site’s URL, if you are not fetching it from site.siteMetadata.siteUrl, you will need to set a custom resolveSiteUrl function. If you override the query, you probably will also need to set a serializer to return the correct data for the sitemap. Due to how this plugin was built it is currently expected/required to fetch the page paths from allSitePage, but you may use the allSitePage.edges.node or allSitePage.nodes query structure.
  • output (string) The filepath and name. Defaults to /sitemap.xml.
  • exclude (array of strings) An array of paths to exclude from the sitemap.
  • createLinkInHead (boolean) Whether to populate the <head> of your site with a link to the sitemap.
  • serialize (function) Takes the output of the data query and lets you return an array of sitemap entries.
  • resolveSiteUrl (function) Takes the output of the data query and lets you return the site URL.

We ALWAYS exclude the following pages: /dev-404-page,/404 &/offline-plugin-app-shell-fallback, this cannot be changed.


// In your gatsby-config.js
siteMetadata: {
  siteUrl: ``,
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sitemap`,
    options: {
      output: `/some-other-sitemap.xml`,
      // Exclude specific pages or groups of pages using glob parameters
      // See:
      // The example below will exclude the single `path/to/page` and all routes beginning with `category`
      exclude: [`/category/*`, `/path/to/page`],
      query: `
          wp {
            generalSettings {

          allSitePage {
            nodes {
      resolveSiteUrl: ({site, allSitePage}) => {
        //Alternatively, you may also pass in an environment variable (or any location) at the beginning of your `gatsby-config.js`.
        return site.wp.generalSettings.siteUrl
      serialize: ({ site, allSitePage }) => => {
          return {
            url: `${site.wp.generalSettings.siteUrl}${node.path}`,
            changefreq: `daily`,
            priority: 0.7,

Sitemap Index

We also support generating sitemap index.

// In your gatsby-config.js
siteMetadata: {
  siteUrl: ``,
plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sitemap`,
    options: {
      sitemapSize: 5000

Above is the minimal configuration to split a large sitemap. When the number of URLs in a sitemap is more than 5000, the plugin will create sitemap (e.g. sitemap-0.xml, sitemap-1.xml) and index (e.g. sitemap.xml) files.